Boiler Water Treatment


The boiler is a critical operation for any industry which utilizes hot water or steam in industrial processes. Industries like textile, pharmaceutical, steel, power generation, chemical, etc. depend heavily on boilers to run their processes smoothly. Hence to run the boiler operation efficiently it becomes necessary to maintain the right boiler water conditions in the boiler.

Boilers are susceptible to various issues such as corrosion, scale & sludge deposition, priming, pitting, caustic embrittlement, etc. which are limited by water conditions. In turn, these problems lead to low boiler efficiency, early boiler failures, and high operational cost. 2 to 3 mm scale deposition on waterside may lead to 16 – 20% more fuel consumption in boilers.

Konark Chemie offers a complete range of chemicals with customized solutions as per the requirement of our customers. Our range of boiler water chemicals is Oxygen Scavenger, Antiscalant, Alkalinity Builder, corrosion inhibitor, sludge conditioner, Fireside, etc… Our boiler water chemicals help to maintain standard boiler water conditions, and better operational efficiency.



Konark Chemie offers a complete range of Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals for all sizes and types of boilers. Our boiler water treatment focuses on preventing the formation of sludge or deposits, scales, corrosion, pitting, priming, foaming, and caustic embrittlement, improving its overall performance and increasing equipment life expectancy. 

Our chemicals range covers the solutions for complete boiler systems from pre-boiler equipment to steam condensate lines which provides better results 

  • Antiscalant
  • Descalant 
  • Online Descalant 
  • Oxygen Scavenger 
  • Corrosion Inhibitor 
  • pH Controller 
  • Sludge Conditioner 
  • Fireside Additive